For busy working parents, things that used to be part of a routine before you had kids seem like a luxury. In a desperate search for more time, we often cut these “luxuries” – exercise, lunch with friends, and reading – not realizing the unintended consequences. For some of these things, such as exercise, we […]
Can’t afford an Executive Coach? Try a therapist.
I have a confession. I’ve been to therapy. There, I’ve said it. It’s out in the open. But here’s the real headline. My work in therapy took my career (and my family) to the next level. Not quite what you were expecting to hear? Let me explain. While the initial reason for reaching out to […]
Not getting what you want? Try asking for it.
How many times have you told your kids that they can’t get what the don’t ask for? How many times have you reminded them about the proper way to ask? I’ve learned so much about asking for things by watching my daughters. They are so much more extroverted—and more confident than I. And they ask […]
Be Intentional about your Network Map
During business school I was giving an assignment to draw out and analyze my personal network. I had never done that before. As I worked through that exercise, I had some powerful observations about how my network had evolved over the past 10 years of my life. I had a great network of close friends, […]
Why it’s important to know your mental and physical energy cycles
Think back to the last three times you really rocked on something at work or at home. Write down what days of the week and what time of day those three things happened. Now write down the past three things you really flubbed on, with the days of the week and the times of day […]
Overcome the “EEKs!” – Why EEKs can be good
I recently transitioned into a new role at work. Hooray! Yes! Woohoo! EEK! EEK! Any body that has transitioned roles, changed jobs, or taken on more responsibility understands those reactions. Working parents get the double “EEK!”. The first EEK is for the the nervousness about the work itself. The second EEK is for the unknown […]