Nowadays people are go-go-go all the time. We start our day running, and collapse in our beds exhausted, asleep before our head hits the pillow. How long can we continue at this pace? And what are the unintended consequences of it? There are many, but there is one in particular that impacts all areas of […]
The Power of a Personal Brand
Whether you know it or not, you are publishing a personal brand—or many. You may have one brand with your kids, another brand at their school, another brand with your friends, and yet another brand at work. Have you ever stopped to reflect on what those brands are? Are they aligned with each other? Are […]
Working Parents, Labor Day is a celebration of YOU!
According to the Department of Labor, Labor Day is a “…yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country” (Source: As working parents, we are part of that powerful force, working hard to build teams, innovate, find efficiencies, and add value to our businesses and […]
Why you should show your kids your office
My younger daughter loves coming to my office. We have a bridge in the office that is an important symbol and tradition for our company. She just thinks it’s cool to cross. And she loves to talk about it. My older daughter tells people I’m a doctor—which isn’t the case, but she understands that I […]