I got to do something month weekend that I haven’t gotten to do in a VERY long time – board a plan and go see my family. My kids are going back to school. We’re starting to have in-person meetings again at work. All these signal that the pandemic is winding down made me realize […]
Personal Growth
Why I’m not making new New Year’s Resolutions
It’s January 7th and I still haven’t come up with new “New Year’s Resolutions”. You may find that interesting, especially because I wrote a blog post a few years ago about making new year’s resolutions. But I think there’s a good reason for my resistance. I still think there is value in reflecting on the […]
Stressed? Remember to share kindness with others
I know…I know. You read that title and, if you’re already stressed, you might be plain annoyed by it. But it’s true. I’ve recently spent time reflecting on where I’m at, what my sources of stress are, and how those sources of stress are influencing my parenting and leadership. Usually I have lists for […]
Five Guiding Principles to keep driving towards your potential
Graduation season has well past, but for some reason the start of this school year got me into a type of reflective mood that is typical around graduation time. As I dropped my daughters off for their first day of a new grade, I started to wonder why we wait until the end of a […]
The Power of Mindful Re-centering
It’s been almost 4 months since my last blog post. While I’ve written down ideas and thought about my business, I haven’t actually sat down to write a post. I let the time go by and didn’t think it was a big deal – I had a lot to do and I had to control my […]
Vulnerability in leadership and parenting
As a little girls with three brothers, I loved Wonder Woman. I would watch the show as much as I could. I was inspired by the fact that she was independent and grew up on an island of strong women (which was a dreamy escape at times when I was surround by brothers). Of course […]